Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Brushkana River Campground

I spent the weekend at the BLM campground at Brushkana River (sometimes called a creek). I brought back a few pictures which are now in a set on Flickr. You can visit the Brushkana Campground in pictures. It's a pretty place, accessible by 30 miles of well mainatined gravel road from Cantwell, Alaska. My camp was at N63 17.475, W148 03.794, elevation 2,537 ft. Click on each picture for my notes, or view it as a slideshow (no notes).

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Brushkana Campfire
I just had a nice weekend trip from Fairbanks south down the George Parks Highway, past Denali to Cantwell, then east along the graveled Denali Highway to a BLM campground at Brushkana River. I'm still organizing the photos from the trip, but they will be along soon.

While in camp, often in the morning while sitting around the campfire, I wrote journal entries for sharing with my family. I'll add them as they come out of the self-edit process.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Photo Splat

Here we go - a third blog on my list, the second with a narrower focus. This one is a shared blog for family members to post pictures of travel and the like. Rather than posting our entire photo collection, we'll put the best shots here.